• Schmid Gate at Chapman University
Undergraduate Advising

Academic Probation

» Academic Probation

Academic probation is a warning you receive after encountering academic difficulty. Students on probation will need to improve their grades to reach good academic standing and avoid academic dismissal. 

  • Any student whose term or cumulative GPA at Chapman drops below 2.00 will be placed on academic probation.
  • Students on academic probation may enroll in no more than 16 semester credits each term they are on probation; credit totals depend on their cumulative GPA. This 16-credit limit includes credits taken at Chapman and credits that might be transferred from another institution in each semester.
  • Students on academic probation are required to meet with their Academic Advisor for guidance and assistance regarding methods to improve your academic status.

We recommend all students closely monitor their academic progress to quickly improve poor academic performance. One way to monitor this is through your Mid-term Progress Report notification.


Academic probation resources

No matter the situation that led to being put on academic probation, there are many ways you can make connections with staff, faculty and fellow students who may help you.

As a student on academic probation, the three most important steps you can take are:

  1. Make an appointment with your academic advisor
  2. Gain as much information as possible about your individual academic situation.
  3. Develop a plan to return to good academic standing in the following semester.

Your advisor will make recommendations based on your individual situation, which may include utilizing any or all of the following resources.

Tutoring, Learning, and Testing Center (TLT)

The Tutoring, Learning, and Testing Center provides tutoring for no additional fees in a variety of subjects. You can also take advantage of supplemental instruction in some courses. Also housed in DeMille Hall 130 with the TLT is the Writing Center.

Student Psychological Counseling Services (SPCS)

Student Psychological Counseling Services (SPCS) provide students with counseling services to help them function successfully in the academic environment.

Disability Services

The Disability Services office is designed to help students who have average or above average potential for learning and who exhibit severe difficulties in at least one academic area.  

Services are only available after a student has registered and presents certified, current documentation of the disability from a medical or educational specialist.

Dean of Students

The staff of the Dean of Students Office are advocates for student learning. They will work with you to enhance your experience both inside and outside the classroom, and assist you when you are experiencing difficulties that might have a negative impact on your learning.

Courses Repeated for Higher Grades Policy

At Chapman, any undergraduate course numbered 100-499 at Chapman may be repeated to improve the grade.

  • The lower grade remains on the record with a notation that the course has been repeated.
  • Only the higher grade and credit are computed in the cumulative GPA (grade point average).
  • To exercise this option, a student must repeat the same course at Chapman.

GPA Calculator

Using this GPA Calculator, your advisor will show you how your Chapman GPA was calculated, and how you can calculate your required GPA that will put you back in good standing. This tool is useful in calculating cumulative GPA.

Frequently asked questions about academic probation

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Contact Advising

Current students: Contact your advisor

All other inquiries: advising@chapman.edu

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