• Students have a discussion in a classroom. There are laptops on the desk.
Undergraduate Academics

Written Inquiry Classes

» Written Inquiry Classes for 2023–24

This page lists all the classes that you can take to fulfill the Written Inquiry at Chapman University.

The Written Inquiry:

Written Inquiry Learning Outcome

Students establish active, genuine, and responsible authorial engagement; communicate a purpose—an argument or other intentional point/goal; invokes a specific audience, develop the argument/content with an internal logic-organization; integrate references, citations, and source materially logically and dialogically, indicating how forms of evidence relate to each other and the author’s position; and compose the text with: a style or styles appropriate to the purpose and intended audience, a consistent use of the diction appropriate to the author’s topic and purpose, the ability to establish and vary authorial voice(s) and tone(s), a choice of form(s) and genre(s) appropriate to purpose and audience (forms may be digital and/or multimodal), and rhetorically effective use of language.

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