• Students have a discussion in class. There are laptop and water bottles with stickers on them on the desks.
Undergraduate Academics

Declaring a Themed Inquiry

ยป Declaring a Themed Inquiry

At Chapman, you have the option to take part in a “themed inquiry.”

Themed inquiries:

Steps to declare a themed inquiry

Step 1: Meet with your advisor

Themed inquiries are groups of classes with a focus. Declaring one won’t have as big an impact on the time it takes to complete your degree as a second major or minor would.

However, we still recommend meeting with your advisor before declaring a themed inquiry.

Your advisor can help you:

  • Explore themed inquiries.
  • Choose a themed inquiry that aligns with your academic interests.
  • Plan how you will complete the classes in your themed inquiry.
  • Introduce you to the advisor for the themed inquiry if the subject falls under a different school/college from your major.
  • And more.

You can look up your advisor by your current major on our Find Your Advisor page.

Step 2: Fill out the form for declaring a themed inquiry

Once you have spoken with your advisor, you are ready to declare your themed inquiry. 

You can do this by following the steps below. The steps will show you how to use the eForm in your Student Center to make the request to declare your themed inquiry.

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