ยป Panther Analytics - Human Capital Reports

Staff/Admin Supervisor

A dashboard reflecting staff, administrator and academic professional information. (Coming soon.)

Student Supervisor

The Student Supervisor dashboard reflects student worker information, such as student names, pay rates (for hourly positions), position titles, and (FWS) federal work study award status and amount accepted for the FWS award, for department heads. Department heads will have access to the departments under their purview. Instructions are available for this story board.

Workforce Demographics

Census data for Chapman’s non-teaching workforce. (Coming soon.)

Data Use

Data derived from the Panther Analytics reports are for internal use only and should NOT be reported to outside agencies. Panther Analytics reports are updated once a day and currently do not populate with official census data. Only census data should be used for external reporting. Census data can be found in the Institutional DataMart or by contacting Institutional Research and Decision Support (IRADS).