» Guidelines for Administering Online Surveys

Chapman's survey guidelines, approved by Senior Staff in 2013, are designed to assist University employees who need to gather survey responses from students, faculty, or staff as part of their duties.  Chapman’s guidelines for administering on-line surveys are intended to accomplish the following goals:

  • Improve survey response rates of all campus surveys
  • Reduce survey fatigue among the campus community
  • Avoid duplication of effort across campus
  • Protect the privacy of enrolled students
  • Encourage good practices in survey research

Institutional Research and Decision Support (IRADS) maintains a Master Calendar of Survey Activity to help faculty and staff plan for their survey in advance and to avoid overlap between annual institutional surveys and other administrative surveys.  Please visit IRADS' SharePoint site (staff or faculty login required) for more information about the guidelines, to review the survey calendar, and/or to request to place your survey on the Master Calendar of Survey Activity.