• Plane arriving at LAX
Center for Global Education

Returning Students

» Returning Home

Welcome back! You have just experienced a huge personal growth and eye-opening journey. You have learned about new cultures, perspectives, and yourself in just a few months inside and outside of the classroom. Returning home can be an exciting time to share your experiences and being inspired to make a change. However, the reentry process can often be mentally and emotionally difficult. Students may experience reverse culture shock and want to connect in different ways to their personal and Chapman community.

All study abroad alumni are invited to submit photos to the annual CGE photo contest! Students will receive information in late summer.

Transcripts from Abroad

Now that you have concluded your program and requested transcripts from your host institution, Chapman will update your Chapman program with your grades and credits from abroad, including fulfilling the GC Global Study GE requirement. Please note Chapman may receive your transcripts 2-4 months following the conclusion of your term abroad. Please check your Program Evaluation during this period for the most updated status of your transcript.

  • Retain your course syllabi, course descriptions, assignments, or other course-related information until you have verified all of your grades.
  • If you took an internship that was not pre-approved, we cannot guarantee that you will receive credit for the internship. Only a few internships that are part of a semester abroad have been approved for Chapman credit. You will need to provide a course syllabus, complete an Internship Work Experience Contract, and contact the Center for Global Education for approval.
  • Once your study abroad grades have been posted, verify on your Program Evaluation that your credits and grades transferred as you expected.
  • All grades will be recorded in your Chapman transcript, no exceptions.

Reverse Culture Shock

You’ve just had this amazing, life-changing experience abroad exploring new things, people, ideas, foods, cultures, and even reflecting on your values. Now that you are back, you may find that returning home can even be a harder adjustment than when you first went abroad. Reverse culture shock is the feeling that while study abroad may have changed you, everything back home has remained the same. You know that maybe your values, ideas, and attitudes, or concepts of what is right and wrong has changed. How much you understand the changes you have gone through and how much your friends and family accept these changes might be different.

It is important to take time to consider what the particular frustrations are for you. To combat these challenges, you can prepare by being flexible and open-minded about returning home. Other study abroad students are going through these emotions and you can turn to each other to support. Take a moment to reflect on reentry challenges and solutions for study abroad students:

  1. Do not be upset if people seem indifferent to your experience abroad. Understand that those who haven’t studied abroad will have a hard time relating. Talk with others who have come back from abroad and share your experiences, frustration, and joys. You will likely find that these are the people who will most likely want to hear your stories.
  2. Accept the fact that relationships with friends, family, and significant others have changed and that things are not going to be the same as when you left. You will need to build on relationships, not merely resume them. No one's life went on hold just because you were gone, and his or her experiences are just as important.
  3. People see the “wrong” changes if your ideas and behavior have changed. Instead, focus on how you are now better off from the experiences you have had.
  4. Try to apply what you learned abroad to your life here. What can be saved? What is useful?
  5. You may feel alienated in the U.S. and recognize more faults of American society. Don't isolate yourself. Use your cross-cultural study-abroad skills to observe and understand your own culture.
  6. Add a language minor or themed inquiry to your academic plan to focus on a new area of interest. Or join a diversity, language or cultural club on campus.
  7. Reacquaint yourself with the wonders of the USA. Nothing beats the fireworks display behind the Eiffel Tower, but Disney has terrific fireworks!
  8. Visit one of many ethnic restaurants all over L.A. and Orange Counties.
  9. Finally, if you really cannot do without your host country, now is the time to begin planning for your next experience. Consider participating in another study abroad program at Chapman!

Remember: Like culture shock, reverse culture shock passes in time.

If you feel that you need to speak to a counselor confidentially in a safe environment, please contact Student Psychological and Counseling Services

Questions about studying abroad?

Email: globaled@chapman.edu

Call: (714) 997-6830

Visit: 576 N. Glassell, Orange, CA 92867


Center for Global Education's house