»2nd International Workshop "Towards Room Temperature Superconductivity: Superhydrides and More."

Group picture at the 2nd international workshop

Chapman University was honored to host the 2nd International Workshop "Towards Room Temperature Superconductivity: Superhydrides and More" in May, 2017.

The widespread enthusiasm overflowing from the success of the 1st International Workshop held in Rome 2016, behooved us to band together again in 2017; this time, in Orange, California. To help foster the spirit of progress produced in Italy, we prepared another workshop for a global array of members of the scientific community at Chapman campus for more in-depth discourse. Cooperative contributions from all scientific fields in the search for superconductivity at room temperature (and at any possible pressure) were not only encouraged, but are still considered essential for future discoveries.

Workshop Information

In Recognition of Professor Vitaly Ginzburg

photo of Professor Vitaly GinzburgTo commemorate the centennial of Professor Vitaly Ginzburg, the Institute for Quantum Studies dedicated our colloquium in recognition of both his work and influence as a leading proponent in high temperature superconductivity.

"On the basis of general theoretical considerations, we believe, at present, that the most reasonable estimate is temperature ≤ 300 K; this estimate being, of course, for materials and systems under more or less normal conditions, equilibrium or quasi-equilibrium metallic systems in the absence of pressure, or under relatively low pressures, etc... Furthermore, for the present state of the problem of high-temperature superconductivity, the most sound and fruitful approach will be one that is not pre-conceived, in which attempts are made to move forward in the most diverse directions."

-Vitaly Ginzburg, 2003 Nobel Lecture

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Celebrating the Centennial of Vitaly Ginzburg

Organizing Committee

Sir Anthony Leggett, PhD, FRS - Honorary Chair of the Program Committee

Armen Gulian, PhD - Chair of the Program Committee, Director of Advanced Physics Laboratory, Chapman University

Emmanuele Cappelluti, PhD (Italy)

Oleg Dolgov, PhD (Germany)

Jeff Tollaksen, PhD (USA) - Director of Institute for Quantum Studies, Chapman University

GurgenMelkonyan, PhD (Canada)

BorisGorshunov, PhD (Russia)

Deborah Van Vechten, PhD (USA)

Cristian Bourgeois - Chair of the Local Organizing Committee


Program Schedule

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8 May 2017

Opening Statements - Armen Gulian, Organizing Committee Chair

Mikhail I. Eremets: News on 203 K superconductivity.

Luciano Pietronero: Conventional/unconventional superconductivity in high pressure hydrides and beyond: Insights from theory and perspectives.

Barry M. Klein: Progress toward the discovery of a room-temperature superconductor: What drives the high Tc of the superhydrides at high pressure, and where do we go from here?

Dimitrios A. Papaconstantopolous: The electron-phonon coupling in light-element hydrides.

Anders Blom: What we can and cannot yet accomplish in search of novel superconductors with QuantumWise.

Fan Zhang: Possible superconductivity above ice point.

L. Z. Deng: Possible interface superconductivity in rare-earth doped CaFe2As2 and undoped CaFe2As2

Jing Xia: Towards room temperature 2D superconductivity at magnetic-semimetal interface.

Armen Gulian: Serendipitous vs. systematic search for room-temperature superconductivity.

Ivan Bozovic: Following V. L. Ginzburg: On the road to room temperature superconductivity.

9 May 2017

T. H. Geballe and Jochen Mannhart: Raising Tc - A different method.

Paul M. Grant: Superconducting fluctuations in one-dimensional quasi-periodic "metallic" chains: The Little model of room temperature superconductivity embodied.

Luciano Ortenzi: Tight binding model and channel like structures in H3S and their implications for the superconducting pairing.

Michael V. Sadovskii: Electronic structure of FeSe monolayers: why Tc is so high?

Sung-Ho Salk: Plausible room temperature superconducting phase transitions based on holon-pair slave-boson theory of antiferromagnetic fluctuations.

Qiang Li: Chiral magnetic effect in condensed matter - A new route for non-dissipative charge transport at room temperature.

Pablo D. Esquinazi: Evidence for superconductivity at room temperature at graphite interfaces.

Xiao-Jia Chen: Superconductivity above 120 K in polyparaphenylene oligomers.

Round Table/Open Discussion

Closing statements and farewell - Armen Gulian, Organizing Committee Chair

Poster Presentations

Noah Bray-Ali: Standard temperature and pressure superconductivity.

Annette Bussman-Holder: Superconductivity at extremely high temperatures: the case of H2S.

I. Kanazawa: Quantized Massive-collective Gauge Fields and Anomalous Properties in high-Tc Cuprates.

Z. S. Khudayberdiev: Anderson metal-insulator transition and pseudogap phenomena in underdoped cuprates.

Milind N. Kunchur: Short-Timescale and Extreme-Dissipation Investigations in superconductors.

Ziad Melhem: New Advancements in superconducting magnets and cryogenic environments for condensed matter research and nanotechnology applications.

Takaki Muramatsu: The possibility of new multiple calcium polyhydride structural phases synthesized under high pressure and high temperature.

G. Melkonyan, M. Gulian, and S. Kasthurirengan: Dielectric Function/Genetic Algorithm Approach to Room-Temperature Superconductivity in Nanomaterials.

Serhii Shafraniuk: Another approach to the problem of room temperature superconductivity.

ChangQing Jin: Development of a symmetric miniature diamond anvil cell for magnetic measurements of superconductors in a SQUID magnetometer.

Kalyan Sasmal: Competing Spin Density Wave & Superconducting order in Electron-doped Sm (O1-xFx)FeAs & Hole-doped (Pr1-xSrx)OFeAs iron-pnictide.

Sara Lopez, Xabier Martinez de Irujo: Superconductivity in MxCu1-xSr2RECu2O7-6 (M = Mo and Fe) cuprates.

O. Paul Isikaku-Ironkwe: MSCD: A rational design framework for searching for room temperature superconductivity.