» Master of Arts in Special Education and Education Specialist Mild/Moderate Credential Traditional and Intern Program Review

Executive Summary

1.1  Program Summary

The Education Specialist Mild Moderate credential pathway offers rigorous coursework in teaching learners with exceptional needs paired with rich clinical experiences, which prepares teacher candidates to work with learners with a variety of needs. The program consists of 4 semesters (terms), with an additional one-unit course during “interterm,” which is the short break between the fall and spring semesters. The program is completed in approximately 16 months. The program focuses on assessment, multi-tiered systems of support, inclusive and intervention pedagogies, as well as literacy, mental health, and educational technology. The program continues to develop embedded opportunities to promote content area expertise and application of technology, with a focus on supporting learners in accessing college and career ready standards.

The first term serves as the foundational term in which teacher candidates are involved in rich clinical experiences in literacy development through the Kathleen Muth Reading center, where they are able to apply literacy practices in a 1:1 setting. Additional courses which focus on behavior and assessment (EDUC 566), collaboration for inclusive practices (EDUC 571), inclusive pedagogy in mathematics (EDUC 562), and clinical experience (EDUC 587) that introduce candidates to the Teacher Performance Expectations. During the interterm semester, candidates take a 1-unit course on mental health and wellness. Building on the content and skills from the first term, term two includes coursework and clinical experiences (EDUC 588) addressing English Language Development and issues of diversity (EDUC 564), intervention pedagogy (EDUC 563), and legal aspects of special education (EDUC 544).  Candidates then complete coursework in educational technology and research methods during term 3. The final term, term four, candidates complete student teaching (EDUC 590/592) and take a master’s elective course.


Table 1.2 Education Specialist Mild/Moderate Location, Delivery Models, and Pathways
Location Delivery Model Pathway
Chapman Main Campus In Person Traditional
Chapman Main Campus In Person Intern

2. Organizational Structure

Provide an organizational chart or graphic to show how the program leadership and instructional personnel/staff are organized within the program and how the program fits into the education unit, including personnel serving in non-teaching roles, including the roles and responsibilities of those involved in assigning and placing mentors/coaches. The graphic should depict the chain of authority and include individuals up to the dean or superintendent level. If the program operates as a consortium with shared leadership, the graphic should include also include individuals serving in induction administrative roles in entities within the consortium.

Exhibit 2.1 Attallah College Education Program Organizational Chart

Attallah College organizational chart


3. Faculty Qualifications (Instructional Personnel)

Three exhibits are required. One additional exhibit is only required if there are vacancies.

a. Submit a faculty distribution table that provides an overview of faculty. The table should include numbers of full time, part time, and adjunct faculty. Vacancies should also be noted.


Table 3.1 Mild/Moderate Faculty Distribution Table
Full-Time Faculty Part Time Faculty Vacancy
7 17 Not applicable


b. Programs must also submit a current annotated faculty list denoting which courses are taught by which faculty, including part time faculty members. It is not necessary to include intermittent adjunct faculty unless they are the only instructor for a particular course. The annotated list should include the faulty member’s name, degree, status (fulltime, part time, adjunct), and list of the courses he/she teaches. 

The faculty member’s name should link to his/her vita. The courses should link to his/her most recent syllabus for the courses noted. See example that follows:

Exhibit 3.2. Ed Specialist Mild Moderate Annotated Faculty List with Links to Faculty Vitae and Syllabi

c. Provide links to published documentation (e.g. job descriptions, online advertisements, contract language) regarding the experience and qualifications used to select adjunct faculty.

Required exhibits and links:

Exhibit 3.3  Published Adjunct Experience and Qualifications Requirements

Exhibit 3.4 Not applicable

4. Course Sequence

Clear information about the sequence in which candidates take courses should be submitted. This should be a link to website, course catalog or other document that is readily available to candidates and prospective candidates. If the program is offered via more than one pathway or model, link to course sequence should be provided for each pathway or model, a link to course sequence should be provided for each pathway or model.

Exhibit 4.1 Education Specialist Credential Preliminary Mild/Moderate Course Information (course catalog)

Exhibit 4.1 Education Specialist Credential Preliminary Mild/Moderate Course Sequence (under Graduation Requirements)

5. Course Matrix

Exhibit 5.1  Education Specialist Credential Mild/Moderate Course Matrix

6. Fieldwork and Clinical Practice Seven exhibits are required.

Programs must provide specific evidence of meeting the requirements of clinical practice as described in the Commission standards for that program. The required documentation is:

6.1  A Table that denotes the number of hours that each candidate is required to participate in early fieldwork and supervised clinical practice and how those hours are broken out across fieldwork/clinical experiences. It is appropriate for programs to label fieldwork experiences using your institution’s nomenclature. 

Table 6.1 Fieldwork Hours
Early Fieldwork Supervised Clinical Practice (Student Teaching) Total Hours
120 480 600

a) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), Partnership Agreement, or link to published supporting document that clearly delineates the requirements of each candidate placement in alignment with the requirements of the Commission program standards for that program; expectations and criteria for veteran practitioner selection, training and evaluation; and support and assessment roles and responsibilities for the program and the district.

Exhibit 6.2  Signed MOU for each placement

b) Training Materials used to train Veteran Practitioners (for example, master teachers) serving in support and/or supervisory roles.

Exhibit 6.3  Veteran Practitioner Training Materials

c) Documentation such as a spreadsheet or table verifying appropriate placements for all candidates (first name, last initial is fine) that aligns with the particular program standards (refer to program standards for additional information). For example, in a Preliminary Multiple or Single Subject credential program the spreadsheet would verify that placements reflect socioeconomic and cultural diversity, support English learners, provide opportunities to work with students with disabilities, and have a fully qualified administrator (see MS/SS Program Standard 3 for additional criteria); whereas in a Preliminary Administrative Services credential program, the spreadsheet would verify that field experiences include a variety of diverse and realistic settings both in day to day functions… and in long-term policy design… (see ASC Program Standard 7 for additional criteria)

Exhibit 6.4  Documentation of Candidate Placements

d) Published Manuals or Handbooks or Advising Materials (links) that provide information to the district and candidates about expectations within the clinical experience including appropriate placements, veteran practitioner support, and information about clinical practice assessment.

Exhibit 6.5  Clinical Practice Handbook/Manual

e) Syllabi for supervised clinical experiences. The syllabi should include information regarding how the candidate is assessed during clinical practice. Copies of blank assessment instruments should be included.

Exhibit 6.6  Fieldwork/Clinical Practice Syllabi EDUC 590 & EDUC 592

Exhibit 6.6.1  Clinical Practice Assessment archive

7. Credential Recommendation

Two exhibits are required. Provide a brief description (200 words or less) of the program’s process to ensure that only qualified candidates are recommended for the credential. The description should include a link to the program’s candidate progress monitoring document or other tracking tool used to verify that candidate has met all requirements for the program prior to recommendation.

Exhibit 7.1  Description of process ensuring appropriate recommendation

Chapman University maintains individual student records through PeopleSoft. Program based staff monitor and ensure accuracy of student progress via PeopleSoft. Candidates are given regular electronic updates regarding satisfaction of program requirements and are permitted to view their files including program process, transcripts, and through student access to PeopleSoft at any time (see sample student record here) Attallah College does not retain any paper records and electronic files are password protected and only accessible to Chapman University personnel. All student records are retained electronically indefinitely.

Exhibit 7.1.1  Candidate Progress Monitoring Document