The outside, front view of the White House and some of it's landscaping features
Leading the conversation on the American presidency

» Presidential Studies Program

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The mission of Presidential Studies at Chapman University is to promote a better understanding of both the American presidency as a political institution as well as those who have (and will) hold the office as part of a broader dialogue related to civic engagement. Through campus events, conferences, and research opportunities for both faculty and students, Presidential Studies will model civil discourse at a time in our history when a more substantive understanding of the significant role presidents play in governing is needed. All facets of the program will contribute to enhancing a culture of impactful research on campus for faculty and students, as well as outreach to and engagement with the broader Chapman University community.


The Bill and Ronna Shipman Distinguished Speaker Series in Presidential Studies encourages substantive and thoughtful debate on timely and essential topics related to the American presidency. In addition, this series will promote diversity of ideas and free speech reflective of the ideals of deliberative democracy. Understanding the history, influence, and global impact of the American presidency as an institution and the individuals who have and will hold the office is essential to promoting a better understanding of the American constitutional system and the ideal of public service in government. Speakers and related events will promote civic engagement, expanded political and intellectual discourse, viewpoint diversity, and constructive disagreement from multiple perspectives on the Chapman University campus and beyond.

Chapman University’s School of Communication and Director Luke Nichter, Ph.D. Professor of History and James H. Cavanaugh Endowed Chair hosted The Distinguished Speaker Series in the Presidential Studies Program.

These Chapman University events are open to Chapman faculty, students, and the community. Additional speakers and future events will be announced on our Presidential Studies Program page, so keep checking back!

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