»Rinker Campus Library Services

The Leatherby Libraries directly supports the research and teaching needs of the graduate students and faculty at the Harry and Diane Rinker Health Science Campus by providing two library service desks.  

Health Sciences Study Commons

Location: Building 9401, First Floor, Room 150

The Health Sciences Study Commons provides print and electronic collections with an emphasis on health sciences. Library staff are available to assist patrons with reference, research, and library resource support. Collaborative study rooms and individual study spaces are available to facilitate coursework, studying, and research.

Available Amenities

Quiet Study Area

12 Study Rooms

20 Study Carrels

Printers, Copiers, and Scanners

Computer Lab

Virtual Reality Headsets

Treatment Tables

Anatomy Models

Library Services Desk at the Campus Center

Location: Campus Center, First Floor, Room 134A

The Library Services Desk offers library staff to support research strategies, navigate the library’s online resources, search databases effectively, evaluate the authority and credibility of sources, progress through the stages of the research process, and more.


The Rinker Campus Health Sciences Study Commons offers a collection of print library materials that focuses on the research and curricular needs of Rinker campus students and faculty. The collection has two distinct areas:

The core research and reference collection consists of books that may only be used within the Study Commons.

The circulating collection contains books that may be checked out for use outside of the Study Commons by students, staff, and faculty during hours of library service.

Please refer to the Circulation Policies for checkout privileges and loan periods.

Hours and Services:

Members of the Rinker Campus community can access the Health Sciences Study Commons and the Campus Center at Rinker 24 hours a day, every day of the week, with their Chapman IDs.

Library services and staff are available during the following hours:

Health Sciences Study Commons

Monday – Friday: 8 AM - 8 PM

Saturday: 9 AM - 2 PM

Sunday: 9 AM - 7 PM

Library Services Desk at Campus Center

Monday - Friday: 10 AM - 6 PM

Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED

Items from the circulating collection may only be checked out during hours when library services are offered and must be returned to the Health Sciences Study Commons.

Research Help:

Library Instruction

Librarians are available to provide course-based library research instruction sessions for your students. Several areas may be covered during an instruction session, depending on the needs of faculty and students. Examples include:

Finding sources for a particular assignment

Evidence Based Practice

Critical Appraisal and how to evaluate the authority and credibility of sources

Understanding stages of the research process and the publication types

Searching databases effectively and developing search strategies

Understanding the processes of scholarly communication and knowledge building

Library Workshops

Workshops held by Health Sciences Librarians are available to all Rinker Campus students, faculty, and staff. Workshops cover areas including research topics, citation management, data management, and overviews of health-related databases. Click below to register for upcoming workshops.

Individual Research Consultations

The Health Sciences Librarians are available to faculty, staff, and students for individual appointments. Please contact a Health Sciences Librarian to schedule an appointment. Please refer your students to the librarians if they would benefit from guidance in finding relevant research materials.

Additional Links:

Study Commons Policies

Research Guides:


Library and Research Assistance Staff

photo of Ivan Portillo

Ivan Portillo

Director of Rinker Campus Library Services
(714) 532-7710 (voice)
photo of Rachel Maggio

Rachel Maggio

Health Sciences Librarian
(714) 532-7720
photo of Sara Flournoy

Sara Flournoy

Library Assistant - Rinker Campus
(714) 532-7730

How to Visit

Rinker Health Science Campus

Health Sciences Study Commons
9401 Jeronimo Road
Irvine, CA 92618
Room 150


Monday – Sunday:
Open 24 hrs.

Library Services Hours

Monday – Friday:
8 AM - 8 PM

9 AM - 2 PM

9 AM - 7 PM


Library Services Desk at the Campus Center

14724 Alton Parkway
Irvine, CA 92618
Room 134A


Monday – Sunday:
Open 24 hrs.

Library Services Hours

Monday - Friday:
10 AM - 6 PM

Saturday & Sunday:

Help with Library Resources

Ask a Librarian

Email: rinkerlib@chapman.edu 

Phone: (714) 516-5040