» Wilkinson Interterm Research Experience (WIRE) Application Instructions

The Wilkinson Interterm Research Experience (WIRE) is a paid, four-week, on-campus program running from January 6–January 31, 2025. It provides Wilkinson College undergraduate students (major or minor) an opportunity to engage in hands-on research or creative activity under the guidance of a Wilkinson faculty mentor. Students can propose their own project or work as a co-researcher with their faculty mentor. Applicants must be in good academic standing. No prior research experience is required. Faculty Mentor must be a full-time Chapman faculty member with a full or joint appointment in Wilkinson College (part-time or adjunct faculty cannot serve as mentors).

Key Dates

  • Information Session: Oct. 1, 2024, 3-4 p.m., RO HALL 121
  • Application Deadline: October 18, 2024 (decisions announced by November 1, 2024)
  • Program Dates: January 6–January 31, 2025
  • Orientation: January 6, 2025 (Mandatory for Faculty and Students)
  • Professional Development Seminars: January 9, 15, 22, 29, 2025 (Wednesdays, with lunch)
  • Faculty Retreat Presentations: January 31, 2025

Application Requirements

Student Submission:

Project Description (3 pages max):

  • Clearly define the project’s purpose, goals, methodology, and benefits.
  • Write for a broad audience outside your field and explain how the project will be completed in four weeks.
  • Use 12-point Times or Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins. All proposal elements, including works cited, must fit within the three-page limit.
  • The proposal must be authored by the student, though mentors may provide guidance. Co-researchers should clearly define their roles.
  • Submit all documents as PDFs.

Faculty Submission:

Letter of Support:

  • The faculty mentor must submit a letter detailing the project, their role, and the student’s preparation.
  • The letter should focus on the collaboration, providing context for the project’s value and explaining how the mentor will guide the student’s work during the program.
  • The letter must be written by the faculty mentor and given to the student to submit with application.

Program Requirements

Student Responsibilites:

  • Attend the Welcome Orientation (January 6, 2025)
  • Participate in 4 Professional Development meetings
  • Dedicate at least 30 hours per week to the project
  • Submit a detailed project schedule before the program begins
  • Meet regularly with the faculty mentor
  • Submit Weekly Progress Reports documenting research activity
  • Cannot enroll in any courses during the program
  • Give a brief presentation of the project at the Wilkinson Faculty Retreat
  • Complete a program assessment survey

Faculty Responsibilites:

  • Mentor only one project
  • Can teach Interterm course, but not a travel course
  • Attend the Welcome Orientation and Student Presentations
  • Meet regularly with the student and verify hours in Canvas
  • Complete a program assessment survey

Program Benefits

Student Benefits:

  • $2,000 fellowship
  • One-on-one mentorship with faculty
  • Weekly professional development meetings
  • Social events
  • Up to $500 in research funds via the Undergraduate Student Research Grant

Faculty Benefits:

  • $500 stipend
  • Opportunity to mentor a highly motivated student on a research/creative project

Important Information:

  • Only one application per student
  • Projects involving human or animal subjects may require IRB approval before the start of the program
  • Late applications will not be considered

Submit the following application following these guidelines to participate in this unique research experience.