Nicholas Dante

Nicholas Dante

Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences; Department of English
Office Location: N/A


Nicholas Dante is a poet, arts educator, and Mellon-Mays fellow, from the San Gabriel Valley. He earned a B.A. in English Language & Literature at Whittier College, and an M.F.A in Creative Writing (Poetry) at Chapman University. He has collaborated with novelists, poets, musicians, song writers, actors, production designers, and visual artists on numerous creative projects. His writing and research are inspired by place-consciousness, local history, alternative culture, deep ecology, language, and human behavior, and has been published in Into the Void, East Jasmine Review, and Mojave River Review, among other literary and scholarly journals, as well as The Spirit It Travels: An Anthology of Transcendent Poetry and A Literary Inventory of Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument.