Michaela Kelly

Michaela Kelly

College of Performing Arts; Hall-Musco Conservatory of Music
Office Location: N/A


Michaela Kelly, soprano, is a doctoral candidate at the University of Southern California, Thornton School of Music. She is on faculty as a lecturer at Scripps College and Chapman University. Additionally, Michaela serves as Vice President of Programs for NATS - Los Angeles. Michaela joined the Los Angeles Opera Chorus in 2024 for Puccini’s Turandot and Madama Butterfly.  She is a recipient of the inaugural American Art Song Prize at SongFest where she sang in a curated recital coached by Libby Larsen, John Musto and Martha Guth. She was a recent poster presenter at the NATS National Conference in Knoxville where she shared her doctoral vocology research, “What Is In a Voice Lesson Anyway?”

Previously, Michaela has participated in summer festivals such as the Toronto Summer Music Festival, the Classical Music Institute, and the Source Song Festival. Michaela is an avid soloist and recitalist, performing with the Claremont Concert Orchestra, Thornton Wind Ensemble, I Cantori di Carmel, New England Conservatory Opera, and NEC Choir and Orchestra. Michaela holds a Bachelor’s of Music Education from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and a Master’s of Music in Vocal Pedagogy from the New England Conservatory.