Dr. Andrea Molle

Dr. Andrea Molle

Associate Professor
Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences; Department of Political Science, Department of Sociology
Expertise: Religion and International Relations; Political Violence; Militant Conspiracies; Political Extremism; Political Hoplology and Martial Arts Studies; Game Theory;
Office Location: 338 North Glassell
Office Hours: By Appointment
Phone: 714-516-4683
University of Genoa, Bachelor of Science
University of Genoa, Master of Science
The University of Milan, Ph.D.


Andrea Molle, PhD, FRAS

Andrea Molle is an Assistant Professor in Political science and Research Associate at the Institute for the Study of Religion, Economics, and Society at Chapman University (USA). From 2006 to 2008, he was JSPS Fellow in Social Anthropology at the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture (Nagoya, Japan), where he studied the religious aspects of Japanese modern martial arts. His current research agenda focuses on religion, political violence, and international relations. Specific research interests include the game-theoretical and computational study of international relations, cross-cultural studies of violent religions, religious and political violence, militant conspiracy theories and extremism, hoplology (martial arts), and warfare studies. He has published several books, peer-reviewed articles, and research reports in political science, sociology, and social anthropology.

Recent Creative, Scholarly Work and Publications

Molle, A. (2023) Emergenza pandemica e Difesa: analisi quantitativa e/o qualitativa delle criticità e delle vulnerabilità emerse in fase di impiego ed impatto strategico, Rapporti IRAD, Istituto di Ricerca e Analisi della Difesa (Italian MoD)
Molle, A. (2023) “The collapse of the democratic state" the sovereing citizens movements”, in Bertolotti C. (ed). 4th REACT Report on Terrorism and Radicalization in Europe. Lugano: Edizioni START InSight.
Molle, A. (2022) For Zion’ sake: Krav Maga and the Making of Modern Israel. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield International.
Molle, A. (2022) “SIMTERRORISM. Modeling religious terrorism in populations impacted by climate change”, Lugano: Edizioni START InSight.
Molle, A. (2022) “Civil Unrest e COVID-19 tra complottismo militante e movimenti NoVAX” Lugano: Edizioni START InSight.
Molle, A. (2022) “The Manson Family”, in L. Cox Han and T. Han (eds) Political Violence in America [2 volumes]: Historical Flashpoints and Modern-Day Trends. ABC. Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio.
Molle, A. (2022). “A new wave of ‘Space Nationalism’ in the United States: why are Evangelicals good with it?”, Space Policy, 101523.
Molle, A. (2022) “Il disegno neo-euroasiatico di Dugin”, AirPress, n.1 April (132).
Meyer, M., Molle, A., Judkins, B. & Bowman, P. (2021). “Martial Arts in the Pandemic.” Martial Arts Studies, 11, pp.7–31.
Mor, G., Molle, A. (2021) “Should the State of Israel pursue Krav Maga as an intangible cultural heritage of the Jewish people? History and politics say yes”, International Journal of Martial Arts, 7, pp. 10-19
Gersi, A., Molle, A. (2021) “Il nemico del mio nemico è mio amico? Il medioriente dopo gli Accordi di Abramo”, Coscienza e Libertà.
Molle, A. (2021) “La fine di Trump non è la fine di QAnon, cavallo di troia dell’estrema destra”, Formiche.net
Molle, A. (2021) “The terrorist movement of QAnon: its evolution from the Pizzagate to the assault on Capitol Hill”, START InSight
Molle, A. (2021) “QAnon: the new global threat?”, START InSight
Molle, A. (2021) “Conspiracy theories: a clear and present danger to national security and global stability?”, START InSight
Tenzi L., Molle, A. (2021) “Chaos at Capitol Hill: what went wrong?”, START InSight
Molle, A. (2021) “Conspiracy theories from pop culture to violent militancy: the NoVax paradox”, in Bertolotti C. (ed). 3rd REACT Report on Terrorism and Radicalization in Europe. Lugano: Edizioni START InSight.
Molle, A., (2020) “Nation of Warriors: The Impact of Krav Maga on the Ethno-Religious Identity of the Jewish People”, OnIrAsia (Aix-Marseille Univ – France), 6th Martial Arts Studies Conference.
Molle, A. (2020) “SARS-COV-2 and the (dark) future of society: a Machiavellian approach to the end of body sovereignty and the beginning of bio-feudalism”, Sociologica. International Journal for Sociological Debate, 14(3), pp. 25-41
Molle, A. (2020) “Immigrazione, perché il blocco navale è irrealizzabile”, Formiche.net
Molle, A. (2020) “War and Peace in the Mediterranean: understanding the Turkish escalation between the Chinese expansionism in Africa and the reshaping of Middle Eastern equilibria”, START InSight
Molle, A. (2020) “Estimating the number of unidentified cases of COVID-19 in Italy as of March 31st using South Korean and Chinese mortality rates”, START InSight.
Gjerstad, S., Molle, A. (2020) “Comorbidity Factors Influence COVID-19 Mortality Much More than Age"
Molle, A. (2019) “Religion and Right-wing Populism in Italy: Using ‘Judeo-Christian roots’ to kill the European Union”, Religion, State & Society, 47(1), pp. 157-168
Baker J.O., Molle, A. & Bader, C.D. (2020) “The Flesh and The Devil: Belief in Religious Evil and Views of Sexual Morality”, Review of Religious Research, 61(1), pp. 133-151
Gobo, G., Molle A. (2017). Doing ethnography (2nd Edition). Sage.
Molle, A., (2017) "Panem et Circenses: Do martial arts makes less violent citizen and promote social conformity?" Proceedings of the 50th Japanese Academy of Budo Conference.
Bader, C. D., Molle, A., Gurrentz, B., & Coyle, J. J. (2017). "For the Wrath of God: Fatalism and Images of God in Violent Regions of the World.", Sociology of Religion, 78(2), pp. 173-191.
Molle, A. (2016) “Alexander C. Bennett, Kendo: The Culture of the Sword”, Martial Arts Studies, 1(2), pp. 113-116.
Molle, A., Bader, C. D. (2013) “Paranormal science from America to Italy: a case of cultural homogenization”, in O. Jenzen & S. R. Munt (eds.) The Ashgate Research Companion To Paranormal Cultures. London: Ashgate Publishing.
Molle, A. (2013) “L’Oriente Italiano”, in E. Pace (ed.) Le religioni nell’Italia che cambia, pp. 73-83. Roma: Carocci.
Bader, C. D., Baker, J. O. & Molle, A. (2012) “Countervailing Forces: Religiosity and Paranormal Belief in Italy”, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 51(4), pp. 705-720.
Molle, A. (2011) “Spiritual Life in Modern Japan: Understanding Religion in Everyday Life”, in G. Giordan & W. H. Swatos (eds.) Religion, Spirituality and Everyday Practice, pp. 131-139. New York: Springer.
Molle, A. “MERCS: Models of Emerging Religious Conflict in Society”, poster presented at the 1st JSPS Multidisciplinary Science Forum, University of Washington, Seattle, USA, [http://www.jspsusa.org/Alumni_association/20110311_MSF/20110311_Proceedings_of_MSF.pdf].
Molle, A. (2010) “Towards a sociology of budo’ Spirituality: Studying the implicit religious issues”, Implicit Religion, 13, pp. 85-104.
Molle, A., Sterchele D. (2011). Religioni e Società. Rivista di Scienze Sociali della Religione, 71. Special Issue on Religion and Sport. IN ITALIAN
“Mahikari no Waza: Possessione, malattia e purificazione in un nuovo movimento religioso giapponese”, in M. Bontempi & A. Maturo (eds.) Salute e Salvezza, pp. 181-194. Milano: Franco Angeli. IN ITALIAN
I Nuovi movimenti religiosi. Roma: Carocci. IN ITALIAN
with Brown, D.H.K., and Jennings, G. “Faith in the martial arts: Exploring relationships between Asian martial arts and religion”, STADION, 35(2009), pp. 47-66. [published in 2011]