• Professor Mark Harrison working in the laser lab with a research student.
Fowler School of Engineering

» The Fletcher Jones Foundation Faculty Fellows in Engineering

The Fletcher Jones Foundation Faculty Fellows in Engineering are limited-term positions providing flexible funding for new research initiatives. Faculty may only hold one fellowship at a time, and such fellowships are typically not renewable except in cases of extraordinary levels of productivity and success in research. Funds allocated in the fellowship are not required to be spent during the year awarded and can roll over into subsequent fiscal years. However, all allocated funds are expected to be spent within two years of the end of the fellowship term.  

These fellowships recognize highly successful, pre-tenure faculty who propose audacious and ambitious new research directions. Fletcher Jones Foundation Faculty Fellows in Engineering are selected via an annual application process. An external faculty committee will review applications on an annual basis with the goal of awarding up to two (2) fellowships each year, with each fellowship providing $50,000/year over a three-year term ($150,000 per individual fellowship). 

Review Criteria and Recognition

Review criteria will include, but will not be limited to, prior success in receiving extramural research support, the impact of research, and committee enthusiasm for the new research directions being proposed by the applicant. 

Faculty Fellows will be recognized via school and campus-level communications, external marketing, and public relations. All fellows will be expected to self-identify as a “Fletcher Jones Faculty Fellow” in external communications and public web/digital presences related to their Chapman appointment. Funding from the fellowship must also be acknowledged in all publications and conference presentations/proceedings arising from this funding.

Application Process

Fellowship applications consist of the following items: 

  1. A 3-page proposal, inclusive of images and references 
  2. NIH-style biosketch 
  3. Proposed (non-binding) budget 

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Review Process

Proposals will be reviewed by a faculty committee external to the Fowler School of Engineering. Review criteria will include, but will not be limited to, prior success in receiving extramural research support, impact of research, and committee enthusiasm for the new research directions being proposed by the applicant. 

Proposals will be reviewed by an external evaluation committee with the following composition: 

  • Dr. Laura Glynn, Associate Dean for Research and Professor of Psychology, Crean College 
  • Dr. Gregory Goldsmith, Associate Dean for Research and Development and Associate Professor of Biology, Schmid College of Science and Technology 
  • Dr. Rennolds Ostrom, Interim Dean and Professor of Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy 


The proposal submission deadline is Friday, March 1, 5:00 p.m. PST. Proposals should be submitted as a single PDF file that includes the proposal narrative, applicant CV, and budget. Submissions should be submitted via the grant portal. Award announcements will be made by the end of April.

Availability and Use of Funds

Funds will be available to Fellows by June 1, 2024. Unused funds may be rolled to subsequent award years, but it is expected that all funds will be expended by the end of year five.

Thus, the disbursement and expense periods are as follows: 

  • Fall 2024: $50,000 
  • Fall 2025: $50,000 
  • Fall 2026: $50,000 
  • May 31, 2028: All funds must be expended 


The Fletcher Jones Foundation

The Fletcher Jones Foundation was established in July 1969. Its primary purpose is to support private colleges and universities, particularly those in California.

Since 1992, the Fletcher Jones Foundation has supported a range of disciplines at Chapman, including a grant to establish an endowed chair in international business. It has also funded other programs in the law school and awarded grants for science, athletics, and the library.

Important Dates:

Entries Submitted By: March 1, 2024 

Funds Available: June 1, 2024 

Dr. Emad Aristeh and Dr. Mark Harrison

Congratulations to our Inaugural Recipients

Congratulations to our two inaugural Fletcher Jones Foundation Faculty Fellows in Engineering recipients – Professors Mark Harrison and Emad Arasteh.