Beckman Hall at Chapman University
Argyros College of Business & Economics

» Welcome New Students

Congratulations and welcome to the Argyros College of Business and Economics.

You have made the momentous decision to pursue an advanced degree at one of the region's most prestigious business colleges. The journey ahead will be challenging and rewarding, you will make life-long friends, and learn from some brilliant minds. Having completed my journey some years ago, I'd like to share three pieces of advice...

Learn at least one new thing every single day. Simply put, we expect that you will be open to learning. There will be countless opportunities to learn in class, during outside assignments, casual discussions with classmates, guest lectures, informal gatherings, and thousands of others. Look for and recognize these chances to learn valuable information.

Create opportunities. You will have opportunities inside and outside the classroom to connect with your professors, top executives, and peers. Networking and getting involved with the university and Argyros College community will open doors you may not have known existed.

Do what you are capable of, not what is required. The only person to get in your way is you, so challenge yourself to go beyond. This is your degree and your future. Push yourself out of your comfort zone and elevate your possibilities beyond your own expectations.

During your time at Chapman, we hope you will learn new things, create possibilities, and push yourself in the classroom and future endeavors. Enjoy the adventure. And don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions.

Best wishes from all of the students, staff, and faculty in the Argyros College!

Chris Pagel '04, MBA'06
Assistant Dean, Graduate Business Programs and Career Services