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Chapman University

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Hub

» Approved AI Software

Below is a list of software AI software products & services that have been reviewed by Chapman University Information Systems and Technology IS&T and recommended use cases regarding security and privacy.

Software or Service Data Risk Classification* Availability Login
Adobe Firefly Low Faculty, Staff, Students Log in to Adobe CC
Grammarly Generative AI Medium Faculty, Staff, Students Log in to Grammarly
Microsoft Copilot M365 High Full-Time Faculty and Staff Pilot Interest Form
Microsoft Copilot Web Medium Faculty, Staff, Students Log in to Copilot Web
Zoom AI Companion Medium Faculty and Staff with Pro level accounts Log in to Zoom

Don’t see your product listed or have further questions? IS&T is happy to discuss your AI inquiries with you. Send us a note at servicedesk@chapman.edu to get started.

*Date Risk Classification Description: Chapman is working on classifying our information assets into risk-based categories to assist our community with understanding how to identify and manage data, to protect against unauthorized access.

IS&T Software

To see a list of applications offered by Chapman University IS&T, click below.