With small classes and personalized learning experiences, Chapman University is an ideal place for veterans and military connected students to prepare for the next stage of their life and career.
We have unlimited Yellow Ribbon Scholarships at an unlimited dollar amount, for every program at Chapman, for those that qualify under the Ch 33 Post 9/11 at 100%, with entitlement remaining. This means that all mandatory tuition and fees are fully covered!
We accept all GI Bills® (1606, 30, 31 VR&E, 33 Post 9/11, 35 DEA, FRY Scholarship)
As a Tier 2 Research Institution, Chapman is ranked as a National University by US News. We are a Military Friendly School 2022-2023.
You can start your journey by exploring our degrees—including more than 120 undergraduate and 60 graduate programs. You can also review our website for more information about applying, financing your education or succeeding at Chapman.