» Filing an On-campus Report

To report an incident on campus or file a grievance, there are many places you can start including the following:
  • Dr. Dani Smith, Rape Crisis Counseling Services: (714) 744- 7080 (*Privileged)
  • Student Psychological Counseling Services: (714) 997-6778 (*Privileged)
  • Rev. Nancy Brink: (714) 997-9760 (*Privileged)
  • Chapman Public Safety: (714) 997-6763
  • Dean of Students: (714) 997-6721
  • Office of Human Resources: (714) 997- 6686
  • Any Resident Director or Resident Advisor

Any one of these individuals can help get you to the appropriate person to handle your specific concern. However, incidents involving gender discrimination or sexual misconduct in educational programs- including rape, sexual harassment, and sexual assault- have specific regulations prescribed by the Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.

While incidents of sexual misconduct, sexual harassment and sexual assault still can be reported to any of the persons or departments mentioned above, please note that Title IX regulations require that these reports be referred to Chapman's designated Title IX Coordinator.