Alicia Kozameh

Alicia Kozameh

Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences; Department of English
Office Location: Wilkinson Hall 24B
Office Hours: By appointment only
Phone: (714) 997-6732


Alicia Kozameh, Argentine author and former political prisoner during the last military dictatorship in her country, is the author of the novels Pasos bajo el agua, a fictionalized account of her experience in prison; 259 saltos, uno inmortal, inspired by her life as a political exile; Patas de avestruz, Basse danse; Natatio aeterna; Eni Furtado no ha dejado de correr, and Bruno regresa descalzo. She also published the collection of short stories titled Ofrenda de propia piel and the book of poetry Mano en vuelo. She is the editor of two anthologies: Caleidoscopio, la mujer en la mira, and Caleidoscopio 2, inmigrantes en la mira. In collaboration with another four ex-political prisoners she wrote the book Nosotras, presas políticas, that includes the testimonial accounts of more than one hundred women from the prison of Villa Devoto, in Buenos Aires. 

Her novels and stories have been translated and published in different languages, and her stories have been widely anthologized, as well as her poetry.

Among other literary awards, she has been granted the Crisis International Award for best short story, and the Memoria Histórica de las Mujeres en America Latina y el Caribe, 2000. 

About her writing there are many published critical works and assays, some of them included in the collections Escribir una generación: la palabra de Alicia Kozameh (Alcion Editora), Dagas (University of Poitier Press, France), and Alicia Kozameh: Ética, estética, y las acrobacias de la palabra escrita (University of Pittsburgh Press).  

She currently teaches Creative Writing at Chapman University.

Recent Creative, Scholarly Work and Publications

New edition of novel Eni Furtado no ha dejado de correr (Eni Furtado has not stopped running), Ars Communis Editions, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Fall 2023. ISBN 978-17-350292-76.
Novel 259 Leaps, the Last Immortal, New edition. Barbarie Editions, Madrid, Spain, Spring 2022. ISBN 978-84-124923-0-9.
Ofrenda de propia piel 2. Short story collection. Continuation of the first volume: Ofrenda de propia piel. Alción Editions, Argentina, November 2022. ISBN 978-987-8962-08-5
Prison poetry in IMPRESAS Políticas, Capitana Editions, Rosario, Argentina. July 2022. ISBN 978-987-48531-0-3.
MUNTREF, Museum of Immigration, Buenos Aires, Argentina. In Cuadernos de Muntref, Universidad de 3 de Febrero, "Testimonio: entre Lenguas, entre fragmentos, un relato posible." Univ. Tres de Febrero. February, 2022.
Excerpts from Sal de sangres. Confluencia Magazine. Revista Hispánica de Cultura y Literatura, Volume 37, # 2. Spring 2022
Poetry collection: Sal de sangres en sangre (Salt from Bloods in Blood). Vol. V of project Sal de sangres, Alcion Editions, Argentina, August 2021. ISBN: 978-987-646-943-2.
Bosquejo de alturas, Alcion Editions, Argentina. 2020. ISBN 978-987-646-862-6.
Poetry collection: Sal de sangres en pánico (Vol. III of project Sal de sangres), Alcion Editions, Argentina, March 2020. ISBN: 978-987-646-861-9.
Poetry collection: Sel de sangs en guerre (French translation of Sal de sangres en guerra). Translator Anne-Claire Huby. Zinnia éditions, Groslée-Saint-Benoit, France, June 2020. ISBN: 979-10-92948-47-9
Poetry collection: Sal de sangres en incendio (Salt from Bloods in Fire). Vol. IV of project Sal de sangres, Alcion Editions, Argentina, December 2020. ISBN: 978-987-646-904-3.
259 saltos, uno inmortal, new -American- edition. Ars Communis Editorial, Chicago, Illinois. ISBN 13: 978-1-7350292-0-7.
Poetry: Excerpts from Salt from Bloods in Decline, PERSECUTION, A Special Issue. Michigan Quarterly Review. University of Michigan. Translation by Stephen J. Clark. Fall 2020. Page 678. ISSN 0026-2420.
Excerpts from 259 saltos, una inmortal, a novel, in Don't cry for me, América, Antología de escritores argentinos en Estados Unidos. Editors Fernando Olszanski and Hernán Vera Álvarez. Ars Communis Editorial, Chicago, USA, May 2020.
"Black Lives Matter", GENEALOGÍA DE LA LUCHA SOCIAL CONTRA EL RACISMO. El Puan (Óptico), University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Argentina. En collaboration with Sara Kozameh. Fall 2020. Pages 65-72.
Poetry collection: Sal de sangres en declive. Alcion Editions, Argentina, April 2019. ISBN 978-987-646-802-2
Alicia Kozameh, Antología personal (Personal Anthology), ed. María Semilla Durán, Milano, Italy, Di/Segni-Ledizioni, Departimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2019. ISBN 978-88-6705-952-2
“No hay pasado y otras convicciones”, in Hispanic Issues Online (HIOL), Vol. 22, Vestigios del pasado, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA, 2019. Pages 257-261. Ed. by Megan Corbin and Karin Davidovich.
Sal de sangres en guerra. Collection of poetry. Córdoba, Argentina: Alción, 2018. ISBN 978-987-646-735-3.
Anthology. Short story “Indagaciones dentro del espíritu de las tormentas”, in Donde no habite el olvido. Herencia y transmisión del testimonio en Argentina. Emilia Perassi and Giuliana Calabrese (eds.). Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere, Facoltà di Studi Umanistici, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy, 2018. ISBN 978-88-6705-680-4.
Anthology. Excerpts from poetry collection Sal de sangres en guerra in TINTAS MAGAZINE. Quaderni di letterature iberiche e iberoamericane, Seccion Creazione, Antología poética. Dipartimento di Lingue e letteratute straniere, Sezione di Iberistica, Facoltà di studi Umanistici. Università degli studi di Milano. Number 7, 2017.
"Dagas". A Short Story in Dagas. Los cuadernos de la cárcel de Alicia Kozameh. Poitiers:CRLA, Archivos de Literatura Latinoamericana, Université de Poitiers. July 2014. ISBN: 2-910050-45-9.
"Alcira in Gelbtönen", German translation of "Alcira en amarillos" (Alcira in Yellows) and interview to Alicia Kozameh: "Ich halte nichts von einer selbst gewählten Opferrolle, weil sie den Kampf um Gerechtigkeit lähmt - Interview mit Alicia Kozameh" - Anthology: "Fluchpunkt Buenos Aires: Jüdisch-argentinische AutorInnen in Exil, Migration und Diaspora". Translation and ed., Erna Pfeiffer, University of Graz. Mandelbaum, Vienna, 2014.
Book about Alicia Kozameh prison notebooks. Various authors: Dagas. Los cuadernos de la cárcel de Alicia Kozameh. Centre de Recherches Latino-Americaines, CRLA-Archivos, Université de Poitiers, France. June 2014. ISBN: 2-910050-45-9
259 sauts, un inmortal. New edition. Anne-Claire Huby, trans. Lyon: Zinnia Éditions, 2014. ISBN 979-10-92948-02-8 [Epub]
Main en vol [Mano en vuelo]. Anne-Claire Huby, trans. Lyon: Zinnia Éditions. New edition with articles of Ester Gimbernat González "La sublime tentative de la négación" and Asunción Horno-Delgado, "Priant dans la disparition: Alicia Kozameh dans son Main en vol" in Erna Pfeiffereditor, "Alicia Kozameh: ética, estética y las acrobacias de la palabra escrita, University of Pittsburgh: Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana (2013). May 2014. [Epub]
Passi sotto l'acqua. Novel. Translation into Italian of Pasos bajo el agua. et al./Edizioni, Milano, Italy. 2013. ISBN 978-88-6463-078-6
La peau même en offrande. Short stories collection. Zinnia Éditions, Lyon, France. 2013. ISBN 978-2-9544723-0-0
Eni Furtado no ha dejado de correr. Novel. Alción Editora, Argentina. 2013. ISBN 978-987-646-355-3
259 sauts, un inmortal. Novel. Zinnia Éditions, Lyon, France. 2013.
15- 259 saltos, uno inmortal. Novel. New edition by Alción Editora, Córdoba, Argentina, 2012. ISBN 978-987-646-281-5
Ostrich Legs, a Novel - Wings Press, San Antonio, Texas. 2012. ISBN 978-1-60940-248-8
18- Postfacio "Celebremos", in Francisco Urondo y su poesía- un arma cargada de futuro. Series: Estudios de Literatura Latinoamericana "Irving A. Leonard" # 12. Juan de la Cuesta Editions, Newark, Delaware. ISBN 978-1-58871-213-4.
Play "30" based on short story "Impression of Heights". Director Sylvie Mongin-Algan. Lyon and other cities. France, 2012, 2013.
11- Natatio aeterna, Alción Editora, Córdoba, Argentina, 2011, ISBN 978-987-646-205-1
12- Main en vol: Trans. of Mano en vuelo into French by Anne-Claire Huby. Lyon, France. L’atelier du tilde Editions, June 2011, ISBN 979-10-90127-05-0
13- Esquisse des hauteurs: Traduit de l'espagnol (Argentine) par Anne-Claire Huby, L'atelier du tilde, Lyon, France, 2011.
16- Last chapter of novel Steps Under Water, translated into French by Mathias de Breyne, in his anthology Direct dans la machoire: un regard sur la littérature argentine depuis les années 1950 jusqu'a nos jours. Nuit Myrtide Éditions, Lyon, France. ISBN 2-913192-95-5
14- "Cuerpo en caída sobr el mundo", short story, in NOAJ, Literary Magazine, Issues 18-19, August 2011. Jerusalem, Israel. Pages 14-16.
19- Chapter from novel Steps Under Water, in Textures, Issue 20, published by Publications de l'Université de Saint Étienne, France. ISBN 978-2-86272-582-6
17- "Résistance", introduction to Textures, Issue 20, published by Publications de l'Université de Saint Étienne, France. ISBN 978-2-86272-582-6
10- „Höhenlinien, flüchtig hingeworfen“, in: Niederle, Helmuth A. (ed.): Von der Gerechtigkeit träumen. Anthologie verfolgter Autorinnen und Autoren. Viena: Erhard Löcker, 2010, pp. 102-123. (translation into German: Erna Pfeiffer)
9- “La impunidad y su derrota”, in: La Capital, Rosario (Arg.), suplemento Señales. August 1, 2010.
5- Mano en vuelo: Córdoba, Argentina. Alción Editora, May 2009, ISBN 978-987-646-079-8
8- Chapters from novel 259 saltos, uno inmortal in Otras miradas. Edition and prologue by Sergio Gaut vel Hartman. Buenos Aires, Argentina, Instituto Movilizador de Fondos Cooperativos. Colección Desde la gente, 2009.
6- “La omnipresente juventud”, in: La Capital, Rosario (Arg.), suplemento Señales. May 17, 2009.
7- “Cuerpo en caída sobre el mundo”, short story in Ventana Abierta, Revista latina de literatura, arte y cultura. Vol. VIII, # 27, Fall 2009, Santa Barbara, California, UCSB.
2- “Hand in Flight”, poem, in Golden Handcuffs Review. Summer-Fall 2008; Vol. I, No 10. Seattle, WA, USA. Translation by Clare Sullivan.
3- Chapters from 259 saltos, uno immortal in Comer con la Mirada. Edition and prologue by Esther Andradi. Buenos Aires, Argentina, Instituto Movilizador de Fondos Cooperativos. Colección Desde la gente, 2008.
4- Excerpt from novel Natatio aeterna in Hispamérica, revista de literatura. “Rapsodia en ronda”. University of Maryland. Year XXXVII, Issue 111, 2008.
1- Chapter 3 from novel Ostrich Legs: “From the novel Ostrich Legs”, in Golden Handcuffs Review. Spring 2008; Vol. I, No. 9. Seattle, WA.
“Obama según James Petras”, interview to James Petras, in: Nómada Magazine, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Buenos Aires Argentina. Year 3, Issue 14, December 2008